Pickling rhubarb in rich balsamic vinegar and a mixture of spices makes this the most flavorful and amazing condiment to barbecue foods as well as spreads on sandwiches, toppings on salads, and more!
Thoroughly wash, rinse and dry 2 mason jars and set aside.
Slice the rhubarb into ¼ inch slices and add and divide the fruit evenly between the two mason jars. Add half of the cloves, pink peppercorn, ginger and star anise to each jar.
Bring the balsamic vinegar, water, and sugar to a boil in a medium sauce pot, whisking to dissolve the sugar. Reduce the heat and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool the mixture slightly before pouring the liquid evenly into each of the mason jars. Let cool with lid off in the refrigerator before sealing. Keeps in refrigerator for several weeks.