10 Things You May Not Know About Norwegian Waffles

Aug 6, 2017

If you are a fan of Norwegian waffles, you know that they are heart shaped, thinner and softer than the American version.   We also don’t eat waffles for breakfast, rather we enjoy them with a strong cup of black coffee in the afternoon or evening, preferably in the company of good friends and family.

The easiest and most widespread food to whip up when you have guests come over, is, in fact, Norwegian “vafler”!  We love them slathered with butter and strawberry jam, or for a more decadent version; sour cream and strawberry jam which is a delicious combination of tangy and sweet.

The below points however, might not be common knowledge even to the most devoted “Norwegianophiles”,  how many did you know?

  1. There are few foods that exists that have as many different recipes as waffles.  The first recognized recipes for waffle batter in Norway appeared in the early 18th century in Stavanger at the Kielland family library.  The batter contained wheat flour, sugar, butter and eggs, as well as ground cardamom, mace, cloves, anise seeds and ginger.  Today, many of these ingredients still show up in waffle recipes.

2.   One variant that is not as widespread anymore is making waffles from porridge leftovers.  It was commonly used by the farming community, because their daily diet consisted of  porridge.  Porridge leftovers often ended up in waffle batters along with flour, water or milk, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, cardamom and eggs.  The ingredients depended on what kind of porridge was included and how nice of a waffle batter one desired to make.

3. “Lompe”, bread of waffel?  I refer to lompe as the ‘tortillas of Norway,’ you can read my blog post about them HERE.    The classic combination is to serve a hot dog in lomper, but in the Norwegian town of Moss, serving hot dogs in waffles is a culinary classic. You’ll find this combination sold at soccer games there.  The tradition is said to have started in the 1960s when a man by the name of Eyvind Hellstrøm ran out of lomper when he worked at his uncle’s hot dog and ice cream stand.  His solution was to combine the waffles with the hot dogs.

4.  Today, waffles in Norway are associated with “hygge” or cozy times throughout the year, but in the 13th century waffles were spoken about as a romantic meal in the churches of Paris during Easter celebration.  Waffles were also used as a meal to break fast.  According to author Kristin Solli Schøien,  waffles stem back to the monasteries during the middle ages.  Un-soured bread were baked during communion,  and the alter breads were so tasty that they started making something they called apostle cakes for special holidays.  These are said to be the predecessors to the waffles served at Norwegian seamen churches across the world today.

5. For Norwegians abroad, waffles are a symbol of both homesickness and a heartwarming treat, according to the Norwegian Seaman’s Church.  For more than 150 years, the heart shaped waffles have served as a special trademark for what you can expect when you stop by the church.  Every year, the 31 seaman’s churches all over the world compete over who makes the best waffles.  In 2012 they made and handed out 27,500 waffles combined.

6. Waffles is a continuous symbol of thoughtfulness, also at home in Norway.  Volunteers set aside time weekly to hand out free home made waffles to homeless people  on the streets. The initiative from “Vaffelgutta” (The Waffle Guys) started in Oslo, but has quickly grown.  Today they are providing free waffles to people in the cities of Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim.

7. Despite how un- Norwegian International Waffle Day sounds, the tradition stems back to our neighboring country, Sweden.  The official explanation is that on March 25th, virgin Mary received the message from the angel  Gabriel that she was to give birth to baby Jesus exactly 9 months later.  This day was celebrated by eating cakes both in Norway and Sweden. Later on it become customary to have waffles.

A more creative explanation is that the day Mary got the message,  was named “vårfruedagen” in Sweden (Our Lady’s Day), which got muddled into “vaffeldagen” in Swedish among the people…

8. No waffles without a special waffle iron. The particular checkered pattern of the iron stems from the 13th and 14th century and is said to be made by following a model for bees wax cakes in the beehives.  The tradition of baking ‘cakes’ in this way stems back to the Greeks, according to Henry Notakers’ “Appetittleksikon” (Appetite Dictionary).  The actual waffle iron was invented by the American Cornelius Swarthout and was patented on August 24th, 1869.

9.  It’s actually not impossible to feed hundreds of people with just one waffel!  The biggest waffle in the world was measured to be about 98 cm or 38.5 inches. The Guinness record from 2011 is held by Norwegian Joar Mortveit from Skjold.  This record big waffle was baked in a gigantic waffle iron weighing 250 kilos  (551 lbs).  For every waffle, 10 liters (2.5 gallons or 42 cups) were used and each waffle took 20 minutes to bake.

10.  If you live in the United States, you don’t have to necessarily visit seaman’s churches to eat waffles. The internationally known and successful Norwegian fashion company Moods of Norway have become known for selling their clothes and accessories worldwide, inspired by Norwegian traditions.   They have also marketed Norwegian waffles by creating a waffle iron in the shape of a tractor. Below you can see how the waffles look after being baked in their iron.


Photo Credit:  Krister Sørbø/VG

I hope you found these facts interesting, because I sure did!  They are translated from the site godt.no and sourced from a variety of people and institutions.

I bet you are getting hungry for some Norwegian waffles now !  I’ve included a SUPER simple recipe below that you can throw together in a couple of minutes and the only kitchen equipment besides a waffle iron needed is a blender (or a food processor).


This recipe is both vegan and gluten free, but it tastes so decadent you wouldn’t believe that it’s a healthy version!  Instead of eggs, I’ve included a banana, and oats take the place of wheat flour.  I’ve subbed maple syrup for white sugar, though you can use any sweetener you’d like for a very similar result.

I hope you enjoy this quick and delicious recipe ! If you try it let me know in the comments what you think! Velbekomme!


about 3 cups (700ml)  old fashioned rolled oats

1 1/4 cup (300ml) water

1 1/4 cup (300 ml) plant based milk (I used almond milk)

1 large ripe banana

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp maple syrup

melted vegan butter (I love Earth Balance)  for greasing the waffle iron

Throw all the ingredients in a high speed blender, alternatively use a stick blender or food processor, and puree until smooth.  Let sit for 5-10 minutes. Heat up the waffle iron and bake according to the manufacturer’s direction.

Serve spread with butter and  strawberry jam, or top with bananas, fresh berries, extra maple syrup or even plain! (Coffee optional, but that’s extra Norwegian:)



  1. Sunny

    You and me both, Dina! Hope you’re doing well! 🙂

  2. Michelle

    Funny story-when I visited Norway for the 1994 Winter Games I fell in love with the vaffles especially slathered with sour cream and strawberry preserves, the type sold in those plastic tubs at the local RIMI. Anyway I found an “electric store” and purchased an iron hoping that I could simply snap on a converter to use in the US-well I was wrong. Good news is that I found an American version and I’ve been making vaffles ever since-I use cream, butter, sugar and cardamon. So I actually own two vaffle makers!

  3. Stiina U.

    Reblogged this on Stiina Marie: Drømmer på Norsk and commented:
    Tis true! I eat these cute heart shaped waffles when we are in Norway with family and friends! They are to die for with fresh strawberry jam!

  4. Sophie

    I made them & loved every bite, dear friend! x

  5. Sophie

    xxx hugs!

  6. Kara's Kloud

    Wow Sunny, this was super fascinating! I’m from The States, and I LOVE waffles. I could eat them for every meal 🙂 This post makes me want to eat Norwegian waffles now. I have a food blog too, and I would love it if you checked it out: karaskloud.wordpress.com.

  7. Sølvi

    Of course Sunny, you had a recipe for vegan salmon and could have some plant based sour cream on it…. I will try your salmon recipe xxx

    • Sunny

      Awesome!! Thanks for stopping by and hope you like the recipe! ❤️



  1. Norvegan Heart-Shaped Waffles | Arctic Grub - […] remain in the various adaptations around the country.   If you are curious to learn more, read my previous blog…

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Arctic Grub
🍞 As our screens glow brighter, our ovens grow colder. With each passing generation, centuries-old Norwegian bread baking techniques—once whispered from grandmother to child in flour-dusted kitchens—fade into silence.

These aren’t just bread recipes. They’re stories. Heritage. 

Wisdom passed through hands that knew the perfect kneading rhythm without measuring.

Don’t let these traditions become digital artifacts in some forgotten archive.

Next week my online Norwegian Bread Baking course will be opening its doors again.

Learn the ancient art of baking Grovbrød, Kneippbrød,  Havrebrød and many other recipes from bakers who inherited these techniques through generations. 

Discover the subtle techniques no cookbook can capture.

Your ancestors didn’t preserve these traditions for them to disappear on your watch.

Join us. Flour your hands. Reclaim your heritage.

Click on the link in bio or comment VIP to join the VIP waitlist to be the first one to be notified when the course opens and the chance to receive a very special bonus!

#Norwegianbread #Norwegiantraditions #arcticgrub #onlinebakingcourse #reclaimtraditions
My Norwegian Bread Baking course is opening next week, and I’m busting all the myths that might be holding you back from bread bliss. Swipe through to read more! 

Have you ever tried making Norwegian bread before? 

Drop a comment and let me know how it went! If you haven’t tried yet, what’s holding you back? I’d love to know.

Click the link in bio or comment VIP to join the VIP waitlist and get early access + a special bonus when enrollment opens!

#NorwegianBread #HomeBaking #BreadMaking #FoodFromScratch #SlowFermentation #BakingCourse #NordicBaking #HealthyBread”
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 🙅‍♀️”

Tired of being told bread is the enemy? Spoiler: it’s not the bread—it’s WHICH bread.

This isn’t your sad grocery store sandwich loaf. 

This is Norwegian seed bread. THE. REAL. DEAL. 👊

Swipe through the below photos to see why this bread is actually your body’s BFF ➡️

And the FLAVOR? 

We’re talking next-level bread experience. 

That nutty richness from toasted seeds. 

The subtle tang from slow fermentation. 

The deep earthiness of whole grains. 

Once you taste this, that flavorless white foam masquerading as bread will never satisfy you again.

Want to learn how to make this life-changing loaf yourself? 

Waitlist for my Norwegian Bread Baking course is NOW OPEN!

Early birds get a secret VIP bonus you won’t want to miss!

Comment VIP to get the link for the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open and be eligible for the free bonus!

 #NorwegianBread #RealFood #NutritionMyths #wholegrainbread #bakebread #onlinebreadbakingcourse #norwegianrecipes #arcticgrub
There’s nothing quite like the comfort of traditional 𝒔𝒎ø𝒓𝒃𝒓ø𝒅 topped with pickled herring.

It’s the ultimate Nordic flavor experience!

Capture the essence of classic sild (herring) while bringing a fresh contemporary Norwegian taste to your table with my 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 “𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠” 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝.

Drawing on my experience at Manhattan’s Aquavit restaurant, this recipe balances the three crucial elements of traditional sild: acid, salt, and sweetness.

The magic happens when my secret substitute for herring is transformed through careful marination, creating that distinctive texture we associate with pickled herring. 

Combined with earthy roasted beets, crisp green apple, and a creamy mustard dressing, this salad delivers Norwegian cuisine’s distinctive complex flavors.

Get the recipe link for this salad in my bio 🙂

This salad shines as part of a traditional 𝘴𝘮ø𝘳𝘨å𝘴𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘥 and 𝘬𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘵𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘥 or as a stand-alone 𝘱å𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘨 for your daily bread. 

I particularly love this salad on Norwegian 𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐫ø𝐝.

Recipes for this ‘cabin loaf’ are hard to come by but I share my special recipe in my 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞, which will be relaunching later month. 

Get on the VIP list for early access to the course and special perks!  Comment VIP to get the link! 🍞🥖

#norwegianbreadcourse #norwegianrecipes #veganbeetandherringsalad #nordicplantbasedkitchen #veganizingscandinavianfood #arcticgrub
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲! 

Today we celebrate the strength, resilience, and creativity of women everywhere, especially those who have shaped Norwegian food culture through generations.

I share quotes from Pippi yearly on this day, and I especially love this one: “𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒂, 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒔 𝒎𝒆.”

Like the untamed sea, women’s contributions to our culinary traditions have been powerful, boundless, and essential. 

From grandmothers passing down secret family recipes to innovative female chefs redefining Nordic cuisine today.

What’s your favorite dish passed down from a strong woman in your life? 

Share in the comments below!

#InternationalWomensDay #WomenInFood #NorwegianCuisine #PippiLongstocking #WomensEmpowerment #ArcticGrub
Have you ever wondered what happens when you combine the earthy warmth of Norwegian root vegetables with the bright, tangy zip of dill pickles? 

Let me introduce you to my Broccoli Dill Pickle Soup, inspired by Norwegian traditions and Eastern European cuisine.

This soup is a celebration of Norwegian ingredients—abundant broccoli that thrives in our cold climate, hearty root vegetables, and fresh dill—transformed into a vibrant green bowl of comfort perfect for chilly winter days.

Now you might be thinking “Dill pickles in soup? I don’t think so.”

But trust me. Dill pickles and their brine add depth to this soup making it truly unforgettable (in the best possible way!).

Rich, satisfying and completely plant-based- this soup comes together in 30 minutes and goes perfectly with a slice (or two)of homemade Norwegian seeded whole-grain bread...

By the way if you want to learn how to make the most authentic. delicious Norwegian bread, be sure to get on my wait list for when my best-selling online Norwegian bread course opens later this month...

Get both links in bio or comment “DILL PICKLE” to get all the info sent to you!

#broccolisoup #dill #norwegianrecipes #nordiccomfortfood #vegansouprecipes #arcticgrub #soupandbread